
Replace this image with a profile picture (300 x 300 px) or a banner collage (300 x 900px)

This site is designed to help academics build a professional portfolio site. It’s pre-loaded with instructional text to help you customize. At any time you can view a copy of these instructions on the Academic Portfolio Template Site.

Here is where you would place a brief biography of yourself, including a statement of your academic focus, summary of experience, and your interests. You might also place a photograph onto this page.

Here is a list of other information you could share:

  • I chose (Major) because …
  • I want to be a …
  • At Hunter College, I hope that …
  • I have volunteered or worked …
  • I have done Clinical or Research work …
  • My Favorite thing to do to relax/my hobbies are …

To edit the text on this page or any other page, merely click the “Edit” button that appears below (if you do not see the “edit” button, make sure you are logged in the CUNY Academic Commons). You can also make changes to the menu above byIf you choose to change the title of this page, you may also want to change it in the main navigation Menu from the Dashboard > Appearance > Menus > Menu Structure page while logged into the Commons. There, you’ll see links to pages that we’ve pre-populated for you. You can rearrange these, delete them, or add new pages that you’ve created.

To see the Pages that we’ve created or to add new Pages, click on this link. To change the settings and name for the site, follow this link.